Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Sunday, November 20, 2016


Originally shared by ISIS are CIA. 9/11 INSIDE JOB. New World Order is here WAKE UP


Former CPS Investigator Exposes CPS's Tactics, Kidnapping and Corruption: http://youtu.be/HbMmWryH0vE

Originally shared by Diannah Clem Warrior Princess

Former CPS Investigator Exposes CPS's Tactics, Kidnapping and Corruption: http://youtu.be/HbMmWryH0vE


Originally shared by Diannah Clem Warrior Princess

#CPSCorruption #CPSLies #CPSAgenda

ANONYMOUS EXPOSES CPS - (Child Protectiion Services: http://youtu.be/ugaTrUOyTVg

Originally shared by Diannah Clem Warrior Princess

ANONYMOUS EXPOSES CPS - (Child Protectiion Services: http://youtu.be/ugaTrUOyTVg
#CPSCorruption #CPSLies #CPSAgenda

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

The Bear Awakens: 355 ISIS Targets Destroyed by Russian Air Force in Last 48 Hours

Originally shared by H George Tavakoli

Personally, I think less than 35% of the population will effectively elect the next president.

Originally shared by Eco Traveler (罗逸)

Personally, I think less than 35% of the population will effectively elect the next president. I think the majority of us won't show up at all, a solid 40%+, and of the remaining 50%, there will be a statistical tie between these candidates with whichever one terrifies the voters the most losing to the other one.

Hillary is taking a hit right now because of the double wammy of the FBI dropping their investigation along with the Bernie endorsement (which probably hurt her more than it helped her), give it time. Trump will probably come up with something outlandish tomorrow that will swing the pendulum back the other way.

It's like spin the bottle only with stupid prizes.

FBI Boss Comey Connected to Clinton Foundation

Originally shared by THE RESISTANCE

FBI Boss Comey Connected to Clinton Foundation
House Republicans call for a special prosecutor

A very bad sign, despite many people not liking insects...

A very bad sign, despite many people not liking insects...

A Growing Crisis: Insects are Disappearing -- And Fast

#Universe #Simulation #Science #Scientist #Clinton #Podesta #Extraterrestrial #Extraterrestrials #Orb #Orbs #Alien #Aliens #UFO #UFOs #Triangle #Craft #Crafts #Ship #Ships #Saturn #Moon #Andromedia #Anomaly #Morphing #Message #Humanity #Do #You #Wish #We #Show #Up #Blue #Avian #Sphere #Being #Alliance #Cosmic #Eric #Julien #Greer #Disclosure #Steve #Basset #Flying #Saucer #Saucers #Cross #Heart   #God #Jesus   #Clinton #Hillary #Edgar #Mitchell #Astronaut   #Physics #Debate   #God #Supreme #War #Police #Law #Enforcement

Good Luck With That: Obama Tries to Trick Russia Into Nuclear Disarmament

Originally shared by THE RESISTANCE

Good Luck With That: Obama Tries to Trick Russia Into Nuclear Disarmament

Robert Spencer in the Washington Times: Six shocking details from the Iran nuke deal


Excellent video on Asset Forfeiture, something Americans need to be aware of, it's a problem that needs abolishing.

Excellent video on Asset Forfeiture, something Americans need to be aware of, it's a problem that needs abolishing.

A team of Harvard scientists believe the remnants of an ancient Earth, dating to the time another planet collided...

Originally shared by Alexander Light (HumansAreFree)

A team of Harvard scientists believe the remnants of an ancient Earth, dating to the time another planet collided with ours to produce the moon, may still be lodged deep within the Earth’s mantle: http://humansarefree.com/2014/06/harvard-scientists-there-may-be-ancient.html

Suspicious? DNC Staffer In Charge Of “Voter Expansion Data” Murdered In D.C. http://bit.ly/29EZiEz.

Originally shared by The Event Handbook

Suspicious? DNC Staffer In Charge Of “Voter Expansion Data” Murdered In D.C. http://bit.ly/29EZiEz.

Published on Jun 20, 2016 - Satanic CIA Illuminati FAKE NEWS Exposed!

Originally shared by IamChattyCathy

Published on Jun 20, 2016 - Satanic CIA Illuminati FAKE NEWS Exposed!! This is as hardcore as it will ever get when it comes to proof you’re being brainwashed and lied to by the news media!!

Global Currency Reset. Breaking News!! The Cabal is Defeated- by Karen Hudes

Originally shared by IamChattyCathy

USA News Is FAKED!! PROOF!! Green screens, CGI & Crisis Actors EXPOSED!!

Originally shared by IamChattyCathy

Rep. Doug Collins Slams Loretta Lynch: I Miss Eric Holder


Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Chairman Goodlatte Questions Attorney General Loretta Lynch


Rep Ms. Walters: Switched-It-Up to UNANSWERED Questions about VA Wait Times!


In this interview Dr. Maurice Hilleman reveals some astounding revelations.

Originally shared by Infowars - Alex Jones Channel

In this interview Dr. Maurice Hilleman reveals some astounding revelations.

Rep Jim Jordan: Corners Attorney General Lynch / Admits Clinton Case Was DIFFERENT!


A short clip from the Anonymous video detailing the scandals and misconduct done by the Clintons__It's a very long...

Originally shared by Satan's Crow

A short clip from the Anonymous video detailing the scandals and misconduct done by the Clintons__It's a very long video.
Although I'm thinking, what's the use?
With Bernie Sanders now endorsing this criminal, and the FBI protecting her but at the same time, stabbing her in the back by at least acknowledging that, the woman has lied on several points_ and the fact that apparently the American public doesn't seem to care that she lied....it's a fucking wrap.


Originally shared by Barb Kueber


Former CIA Agent "The Clinton Foundation Is A Global Fraud Which Has Stolen $100 Billion!"

Originally shared by Barb MacMaster

Rep. DeSantis uses Attorney General Lynch's own words to prove a point...

Rep. DeSantis uses Attorney General Lynch's own words to prove a point...

Copspeak: 7 Ways Journalists Use Police Jargon to Obscure the Truth...

Originally shared by Jim Feig

Copspeak: 7 Ways Journalists Use Police Jargon to Obscure the Truth http://fair.org/home/copspeak-7-ways-journalists-use-police-jargon-to-obscure-the-truth/ -via Flynx

Rep Bishop: Reviewing President Clinton Meeting w / AG Lynch



Originally shared by Ellie Guest


Attorney General Lynch misses opportunity to clarify reasons Clinton was not charged...

Attorney General Lynch misses opportunity to clarify reasons Clinton was not charged...



Wow... wow wow wow wow.... wow! Rep Ratcliffe completely wrecks Attorney General Loretta Lynch in the closings.

Wow... wow wow wow wow.... wow! Rep Ratcliffe completely wrecks Attorney General Loretta Lynch in the closings.

Rep Trott: NAILS IT - Pres Clinton Gave AG Lynch A Way Out!


Top Secret Khazarian Mafia Disposal Operations for American Soldiers

Originally shared by The Event Handbook

Top Secret Khazarian Mafia Disposal Operations for American Soldiers

Sharia judges order children with Down syndrome to be killed

Originally shared by Pete Le Boydre

World BeNEWSment @ 10 LIVE ! #hangoutsonair ! Now in HD WOW ! 12th July 2016

Originally shared by Blazin Stars

Published on Jul 12, 2016

Originally shared by Louie Pigeonmumbler

Published on Jul 12, 2016
A majority of Americans reject the FBI's recommendation against charging Hillary Clinton with a crime for her State Department e-mail practices and say the issue raises concerns about how she might perform her presidential duties, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll...

Read More At:

For those who do not yet realize the basis for my referring to the fbi as human monsters see the following data.

Originally shared by Geral Sosbee

For those who do not yet realize the basis for my referring to the fbi as human monsters see the following data.

Assaults by the fbi are the most sinister and purely criminal that I have ever seen or read about in my life. Psychological Operations (‘psyops’) by the fbi are achieved by sociopaths who watch the victim (me) 24/7, follow him everywhere, destroy his property, make him homeless, and other atrocities that I describe in many of my reports. I have survived these assaults for almost a half century. These animals watch and record their victims who are told by the fbi to, “kill yourself”.

During the past thirty years the fbi has also repeatedly devised ways to try to illegally  ‘set me up’ for some kind of fraudulent civil or criminal process; a corrupt federal magistrate judge (m/j) helps the fbi with secret court orders authorizing various assaults and crimes against my person. Indeed, I now recall that the federal m/j from the southern district of Texas sent me a notice about fifteen years ago that I was and am subject to federal court administrative handling. This type of judicial crime is an abomination and the judges (m/j) in LA, Dallas, Brownsville, El Paso, etc., should stand trial for authorizing the unconscionably felonious offenses that I have described. The fbi uses street thugs, police, gang members and drug dealers to physically assault/provoke me; I have documented many such crimes online and in police reports over the past three decades.

In one instance the fbi entered the El Paso hospital where I was in surgery for a service related injury of deviated septum; the fbi changed the nurses’ notes from “no food for 12 hours” to read, “FULL MEALS IMMEDIATELY”.  I ate and vomited, nearly suffocating from my own bodily fluids, as I had no way to breathe with the nose sealed off. Later the fbi made fun of the incident in their online assaults. This and other similar events  are mentioned here:

In another crime  the fbi used the m/j corrupt civil process to illegally  ‘medicate’ me as an opportunity to run another human experiment on my body: the fbi concocted by chemical combination a synthetic kidney stone in vivo which nearly killed me. The fbi also made sure that a doctor on call would be incompetent and at the very least the fbi sought to cause me trauma, kidney loss, or death. While I was in another hospital for treatment of the same

kidney stone the fbi vandalized my car again, so I would have to deal with yet another problem while recovering from the surgery. Such vandalism has been extensive and has cost about thirty thousand dollars of out of pocket losses and much stress. [The kidney stone reports are available online in part 16 and related links of “My Story”].

Many other assaults on my person are achieved by the fbi’s directed energy weaponry (assaults by DEW include extremely low frequency sound waves and microwave) which cause extreme sleep deprivation and many other symptoms described in  part 19 of “My Story In Detail”. I am certain that other problems are related to the DEW assaults, including the following:
Several years ago the fbi notified me by anonymous email that I would be blinded. Today I have been diagnosed with cataracts in either eye and surgery is recommended by. The natural lens  of the eyes are particularly sensitive to heat which is caused by high levels of microwave radiation. Such heating of the lens can cause cataracts. The DEW assaults continue on me 24/7/365 for the past fifteen years.

The DEW assaults are also used to punish me by increasing the sleep deprivation when I write reports that the fbi finds particularly damaging. In this respect the DEW attacks are a part of ‘psyops’ further described in the following link and at my papers at academia.edu.

Diagnosis of diabetes (a condition found by VA doctor  that I try to alleviate by diet)

Ear Aches are apparently associated with the tinitis.

Here are a few other medical disabilities documented by doctors:
Cerebral vascular disease
Mastoid effusion
Internal organ damage
Severe hearing loss, either ear
Infection near tooth 14, life threatening due to proximity to brain
Sleep apnea
General sensory neuropathy


Facebook now joins many other media groups in the fbi’s harassment campaign by blocking me from posting the following link:
For their fraud and service to fbi assassins, I quit Facebook.
Finally, for specific data on other fbi crimes see “My Story In Detail” on line, and see the false medical report from a MD apparently serving the fbi at part twenty of “My Story.”

Thank you.

To vape or not to vape: are E-cigarettes a miracle or a menace? - Raw Holistic Health

Originally shared by Alien UFO Sightings


Originally shared by ChemTrailsMN



Originally shared by Renee Pittman Books


Monday, July 11, 2016

Guccifer 2.0 Leak Reveals How DNC Rigged Primaries for Clinton

Originally shared by Cliff Baer


Originally shared by Paul Frank


Sums it up.

Originally shared by gangigirl1

Sums it up.

Iceland is on track to become the first European country that suffered in the financial meltdown to “surpass its...

Originally shared by H George Tavakoli

Iceland is on track to become the first European country that suffered in the financial meltdown to “surpass its pre-crisis peak of economic output”—essentially proving to the U.S. that bailing out “too big to fail” banks wasn’t the way to go!

Election Fraud: 15% Of Votes Switched From Sanders To Clinton

Originally shared by null


Originally shared by H George Tavakoli

Two Giant Underwater Crystal Pyramids Discovered in the Center of the Bermuda Triangle

Originally shared by H George Tavakoli

Ukrainian hackers discover that the ISIS videos were filmed in a TV studio CIA

Originally shared by H George Tavakoli

Do you think the rest of the world should follow their lead?

Originally shared by H George Tavakoli

Do you think the rest of the world should follow their lead?

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Root-canaled teeth are essentially “dead” teeth that can become silent incubators for highly toxic anaerobic...

Originally shared by Alexander Light (HumansAreFree)

Root-canaled teeth are essentially “dead” teeth that can become silent incubators for highly toxic anaerobic bacteria that can, under certain conditions, make their way into your bloodstream to cause a number of serious medical conditions—many not appearing until decades later.

Most of these toxic teeth feel and look fine for many years, which make their role in systemic disease even harder to trace back: http://humansarefree.com/2014/02/shocking-connection-97-of-all-terminal.html

COURTESY OF Urupipeṛ2 Ṫẁo

COURTESY OF Urupipeṛ2 Ṫẁo



Originally shared by Watchman For Truth Victory Of The Light!

 Man Found “Cures For All Diseases” AND Has The Supreme Court Ruling To Prove It! http://soulspottv.com/blog/man-found-cures-for-all-diseases-and-has-the-supreme-court-ruling-to-prove-it/

Mexico is massacring its citizens and nobody seems to have noticed

Originally shared by Urupipeṛ2 Ṫẁo

Mexico is massacring its citizens and nobody seems to have noticed
This time it is impossible to look the other way. The Mexican government is normally adept at managing public opinion so the responsibility for the violence and human rights violations ripping apart the country falls on the shoulders of local officials or organized crime groups. But on June 19th that narrative was broken under the heavy weight of the facts.

The press originally reported a “clash between teachers and police” in the town of Nochixtlán in the southern state of Oaxaca. The authorities claimed their agents were unarmed and the protesters had fired on them first. The new U.S. Ambassador to Mexico, Roberta Jacobson, was carefully neutral in her first public evaluation of the incident, stating simply that she “lamented the loss of human lives.”

But during the ensuing days the awful truth has trickled out. Thanks to the reports of journalists on the scene, the Mexican government has been forced to accept that the police were in fact heavily armed. And the evidence now points to the commission of a brutal massacre by federal forces against peaceful protesters. These forces are under the command of Mexico´s President Enrique Peña Nieto and receive significant funding from the United States government under the Merida Initiative.

It all began when a group of rural, elementary school teachers closed a highway that runs through the small, mostly indigenous town of Nochixtlán. They were protesting the government´s neo-liberal education reforms and in favour of the release of two top teacher union activists, who had been taken as political prisoners a week earlier.

Instead of negotiating with the protesters, or using limited force to liberate the highway, the federal government decided to violently quash the uprising. Peña Nieto sent hundreds of masked police officers armed with high-powered automatic rifles and tear gas to run off the protesters. In response, the surrounding communities called for reinforcements. Church bells ran, a form of SOS call to the surrounding villages, and hundreds of residents appeared on the scene in support of the peaceful teachers. Although some of the reinforcements did throw rocks and launch fire crackers at the riot police, none of the protesters were armed nor were the lives of law enforcement officials put at risk.

The police acted with desperate vengeance. According to eyewitness accounts, plain clothes police first set fire to buses and cars in order to create the impression of chaos and thereby “justify” the upcoming brutal attack. The uniformed agents then opened fire on the innocent crowd. Nine protesters were killed, dozens wounded and many others arbitrarily arrested by law enforcement, who grabbed anyone they could get their hands on. Amid the chaos, the police even interrupted a family funeral taking place in the town cemetery to haul off to jail dozens of the attendees who had no connection to the protests.

The federal police also indiscriminately launched dozens of tear gas canisters from land and air during the assault. One of them landed in the patio of a health clinic, which was attending to the wounded, forcing it to close down and thereby putting numerous lives at risk.

Such attacks by Mexico´s highly militarized federal police on the civilian population are not rare. Excessive use of force has become commonplace in recent years, especially since the beginning of the Peña Nieto administration in December of 2012. Civilian deaths are normally presented as the result of frontal combat with narcotraffickers or “criminals.” In fact, local and international government and non-governmental organizations have unveiled the systematic abuse of human rights by security forces in Mexico.

But this time the violation of human rights is particularly glaring. The victims cannot be presented as “criminals” even by the most creative imagination. They were all peaceful protesters, teachers and community members, standing up for their rights. In response, the government turned a sleepy, rural town into a war zone.

Mexico has erupted in protest. Teachers have taken to the streets throughout the country, even in regions such as Monterrey where such activism is rare. Tens of thousands of students and doctors have also mobilized in solidarity. The indigenous communities of Oaxaca have taken action and highways remain blocked throughout the state. This Sunday there was an enormous protest march in Mexico City organized by the principal opposition party, Morena. The international solidarity movement, in Argentina, Spain, France, England, Canada and the United States has also jumped into action. Both the National Human Rights Commission and the United Nations Human Rights Commission have initiated investigations of the attack.

Meanwhile, official diplomatic circles in the United States and Canada have remained silent, pretending as if nothing has happened. This is particularly worrisome given the fact that this Wednesday Barack Obama, Justin Trudeau and Enrique Peña Nieto will meet in Ottawa for their first “Three Amigos Summit.”

Obama has been an adamant defender of the Mexican President and has not dared to call him out once for the grave human rights violations and corruption scandals, which have marked Peña´s presidency from day one. Trudeau has made the positive step of offering to remove the visa requirement for Mexican visitors to Canada imposed by Stephen Harper in 2009, but also seems to be disconnected from what is actually happening on the ground in Mexico.

In the face of the silent complicity of the U.S. and Canadian governments, civil society in all three countries should use the opportunity of this week’s summit to make their voices heard. They should forcefully condemn the violent repression and democratic breakdown taking place in Mexico and reach out a helping hand to their brothers and sisters south of the Rio Grande.

By JOHN M. ACKERMAN Mon., June 27, 2016

LIVE FEED: US Attorney General Loretta Lynch on Clinton email scandal

Originally shared by RT

LIVE FEED: US Attorney General Loretta Lynch on Clinton email scandal

Croatia Makes Medical Cannabis History

Originally shared by Urupipeṛ2 Ṫẁo

Croatia Makes Medical Cannabis History
"The ancient Romanesque village of Groznjan, Croatia, witnessed a truly historic moment on June 10: the announcement of the first-ever legal shipment of cannabis extract containing psychoactive THC (and non-psychoactive CBD) across the pond from North America to Europe.

Most European countries, as well as many American states that have legalized medical cannabis in some form in recent years, have struggled to create functioning systems, and some areas around Europe don’t provide access to herbal cannabis or specific cannabinoid preparations.

So how did Croatia, a small Balkan country of four million people, manage to pass legislation to allow cannabinoid therapy and enact a functional program within less than a year?"


''I am the man who brought the healing powers of cannabis extracts to the attention of the world and for quite some time, I have been living in Zagreb which is the capitol of Croatia. I find it inconceivable that a country like Croatia which has a beautiful climate, would feel the need to import plant extracts, when in reality they could easily be produced right here. Unemployment in Croatia is very high, so why would the Croatian government prefer to purchase extracts from Canada, when growing the needed plants and producing the extracts, could employ many people here in this region. In my opinion what is going on at present makes no sense and I do not believe any extracts that the Croatian government imports, would have the powerful healing abilities, which the extracts I used to produce have become famous for.''
Rick Simpson's comment on the news of Croatia's import from Canada

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Misled and betrayed: How US cover stories are keeping a Cold War weapon and illegal human testing secret

Misled and betrayed: How US cover stories are keeping a Cold War weapon and illegal human testing secret

The Globalists Are In Deep Sh*t


Operation Mockingbird - CIA Media Control Program



Originally shared by Government GangStalking and Electronic Harassment



"Flat Earth Petition : "A Call To Action"




An Open Letter to Neil DeGrasse Tyson Regarding the Flat Earth









Wednesday, June 29, 2016

18 Tales of Media Censorship

Originally shared by Government GangStalking and Electronic Harassment

As Adults Legally Smoke Pot In Colorado, More Minority Kids Arrested For It

Originally shared by Ohitika Píško

Sacramento Rally New Security Scare: Nazis Send Eerie Threat to School Children | Alternative

Originally shared by Deborah Dupre

Bilderberg Documents Leaked! – Iraq War Plan Exposed!

Originally shared by Rex Dexter

Bilderberg Documents Leaked! – Iraq War Plan Exposed!

(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4lQwyw0AFQ)

Published on Jun 28, 2016

An incredible treasure trove of documents has been leaked online detailing a number of Bilderberg conferences dating all the way back to the 50's.

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth shows how the Bilderberg group is clearly steering society in the direction they choose with the ability to effect the outcome of nearly any given situation by use of their sphere of influence.


Bilderberg Archive: https://publicintelligence.net/bilderberg-archive/

Bilderberg Conference Report: https://info.publicintelligence.net/bilderberg/BilderbergConferenceReport2002.pdf





Donations: https://pressfortruth.ca/donate

The Dude Drops Orlando Shooting Hoax Truth Bomb LIVE on TV!!!

Originally shared by James Lico

What Is The Government Preparing For? » The Event Chronicle


WW3 RED Warning: Putin Surrounded

Originally shared by Dont Threaten Me

WW3 RED Warning: Putin Surrounded
USA NATO Military Drills On Russian Border

It seems that Putin as some ignorant claim without basis, he is a Jew puppet, however Putin doesn't seem to be listening to the JWO,and has some major conforming and obedient issues.

Nearly all players out to destroy Russia are Jew Neo-cons in the zionist US Government as well as those abroad.

WOW: US Destroyer's Dangerously Close Encounter With a Russian Ship

Originally shared by Russia Insight

A Warning from Russia to America

Originally shared by Dont Threaten Me

A Warning from Russia to America
Terrifying- Yet Events are not impossible.

Let us ALL live our lives-and Let's Kill the NWO

Count a government laboratory that was once operated by the U.S.

Count a government laboratory that was once operated by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) as yet another of example of this ongoing deceit.


PLEASE ... Remember to 're-share' often to other G+ communities, .. to the public G+ stream, ...and to your personal email distribution list(s). At this point, ... the goal is to quickly 'wake-up' as many folks as possible. ' We ' must achieve 'critical mass' IMMEDIATELY ! Do not be concerned about re-sharing multiple times. 'We' (collectively) .. are fighting for survival .. Peace

Monday, June 27, 2016


Originally shared by IamChattyCathy



The FBI Just Gave Hillary The Worst News Of Her Campaign!


Stacey Dash Rips Hillary: 'How Could You Want a Criminal' to Be President?


Judge Nap: Leaks Could Trigger 'Saturday Night Massacre' in Hillary Email Probe


Wednesday, June 22, 2016

The Clinton involuntary assisted suicide" list: 1 - James McDougal - Clinton's convicted Whitewater partner died of...

Originally shared by Jerome B

The Clinton involuntary assisted suicide" list: 1 - James McDougal - Clinton's convicted Whitewater partner died of an apparent heart attack, while in solitary confinement. He was a key witness in Ken Starr's investigation. 2 - Mary Mahoney - A former White House intern was murdered July 1997 at a Starbucks Coffee Shop in Georgetown. The murder happened just after she was to go public with her story of sexual harassment in the White House. 3 - Vince Foster - Former white House councilor, and colleague of Hillary Clinton at Little Rock's Rose Law firm. Died of a gunshot wound to the head, ruled a suicide. 4 - Ron Brown - Secretary of Commerce and former DNC Chairman who had a serious disagreement with Clinton. Reported to have died by impact in a plane crash. A pathologist close to the investigation reported that there was a hole in the top of Brown's skull resembling a gunshot wound. At the time of his death Brown was being investigated, and spoke publicly of his willingness to cut a deal with prosecutors. 5 - C. Victor Raiser II and Montgomery Raiser, Major players in the Clinton fund raising organization died in a private plane crash in July 1992. 6 - Paul Tulley - Democratic National Committee Political Director found dead in a hotel room in Little Rock, September 1992...after a serious disagreement with Clinton. Described by Clinton as a "Dear friend and trusted advisor." 7- Ed Willey - Clinton fund raiser, found dead November 1993 deep in the woods in VA of a gunshot wound to the head. Ruled a suicide. Ed Willey died on the same day after his wife Kathleen Willey claimed Bill Clinton groped her in the oval office in the White House. Ed Willey was involved in several Clinton fund raising events. 8 - Jerry Parks - Head of Clinton's gubernatorial security team in Little Rock. Gunned down in his car at a deserted intersection outside Little Rock. Park's son said his father was building a dossier on Clinton. He allegedly threatened to reveal this information. After he died the files were mysteriously removed from his house. 9 - James Bunch - Died from a gunshot suicide. It was reported that he had a "Black Book".

Navy CAUGHT Conducting Secret Electromagnetic Warfare Testing in Public in Washington State


BUSTED: Jo Cox murder is completely fraudulent and faked

Originally shared by Raleigh W

Putin Warns of Nuclear War

Originally shared by Ellie Guest

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

#Two #Nuclear #Leaks in the #United #States, One is Likely #Worse Than #Fukushima

Originally shared by nemesis maturity

#Two #Nuclear #Leaks in the #United #States, One is Likely #Worse Than #Fukushima

The University of Miami has found that the Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant, located just South of Miami, has caused levels of tritium, a radioactive isotope produced by nuclear reactors, in Biscayne Bay to spike to 200-times higher than normal levels.

This would confirm suspicions that Turkey Point’s aging canals are leaking into the nearby national park.

The site’s cooling canals, which are the part of the facility that appears to be leaking the radiation, are currently permitted to operate at 104 degrees, the hottest in the nation.
“This is one of several things we were very worried about,” South Miami Mayor Philip Stoddard, who is also a biological sciences professor at Florida International University, told the Miami New Times.

“You would have to work hard to find a worse place to put a nuclear plant, right between two national parks and subject to hurricanes and storm surge.”
Samples of the water at various depths and sites around the power plant showed elevated levels of salt, ammonia, phosphorous and tritium.
“We now know exactly where the pollution is coming from, and we have a tracer that shows it is in the national park,” said Laura Reynolds, an environmental consultant who is working with the Tropical Audubon Society and the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, which intended to file the lawsuit.

“We are worried about the marine life there and the future of Biscayne Bay.”
While all of this should sound alarms, nobody especially people who could do something about seems to care.

HumansAreFree.com - http://tinyurl.com/zmohuaa

miamidade.gov - http://tinyurl.com/jjrgx7b

cleanenergy.org - http://tinyurl.com/zkjc2gc

inhabitat.com - http://tinyurl.com/z96y3r3

New York Times - http://tinyurl.com/zx5glqd

nydailynews.com - http://tinyurl.com/hlnkz3f

inquisitr.com - http://tinyurl.com/zqze5a8

rt.com - http://tinyurl.com/znm2uou

miamiherald.com - http://tinyurl.com/zcc8agn

Clips images credit: AFP, Getty Images, Susan Watts/NY Daily News Archive

Extremely Strange Cloud Portal Anomaly Forms Above CERN - Caught on Radar 07.05.2016

Originally shared by Paranormal Crucible

G. Edward Griffin: This Story Could Be the Smoking Gun For All False-Flag Ops

Originally shared by Urupipeṛ2 Ṫẁo


Originally shared by Government GangStalking and Electronic Harassment



"Flat Earth Petition : "A Call To Action"




An Open Letter to Neil DeGrasse Tyson Regarding the Flat Earth









Saturday, June 4, 2016

ICE Agent Commits Suicide in NYC; left a very strange suicide note!



Originally shared by Dorothy G. Tyas



Originally shared by Dorothy G. Tyas


Hollywood's Savile scandal: Star of Hobbit films Elijah Wood says Tinseltown is masking a child sex epidemic in its...

Originally shared by Ohne Sorg

Hollywood's Savile scandal: Star of Hobbit films Elijah Wood says Tinseltown is masking a child sex epidemic in its 'seedy' underbelly full of predatory 'vipers'

Definitely NO thanks.... not with those illumizionazi strings attached! 👎😨

Originally shared by Dorothy G. Tyas

Definitely NO thanks.... not with those illumizionazi strings attached! 👎😨

Crass corruption redux! ¿

Originally shared by Dorothy G. Tyas

Crass corruption redux! <●>¿<●>

"Geneticist Reveals The Invention of the "Jewish" People"

Originally shared by H George Tavakoli

"Geneticist Reveals The Invention of the "Jewish" People"
They are not the chosen one that simple 
"Eastern and Central European Jews comprise the largest group of contemporary Jews, accounting for approximately
90% of over 13 million worldwide Jews. Eastern European Jews made up over 90% of European Jews before World War II."

"Johns Hopkins geneticist Eran Elhaik, Ph.D. very largely destroyed prevailing genetic theory concerning the origin of eastern European “Ashkenazi” Jews -- roughly three quarters of Jews in the world today. In his groundbreaking article “The Missing Link of Jewish European Ancestry: Contrasting the Rhineland and the Khazarian Hypotheses,” published in the prestigious scientific journal Genome Biology and Evolution, Elhaik reported the results of his first major study of Ashkenazim genetics. He said the genetic evidence indicates the roots of most “Jews” today are to be found in the east, in the ancient kingdom of Khazaria, converted to Judaism in the 8th century AD. So compelling is Elhaik’s research that the scientific community remains stunned."

"This is explosive in its potential. Indeed, he is able to determine through genetic tests that DNA within ancient Khazar bones generally corresponds to DNA within modern eastern European Jews, settling with finality that most "Jews" today are descended from an 8th century A.D. Eurasian nation of traders and warriors, not Abraham. 

The prevailing “Rhineland Hypothesis” of Ashkenazim origins, led by geneticist Dr. Harry Ostrer of New York’s Yeshivah University, asserts that the large Ashkenazim populations of Poland and Russia got there primarily from Germany in the west beginning in about the 16th century A.D. Ostrer claims that genetic evidence indicates a Middle Eastern origin for Ashkenazi Jews. Elhaik has requested the genetic data upon which Ostrer makes this claim but says Ostrer will not share it with him. Such non-cooperation lends even more credibility to Elhaik’s thesis, which agrees with Arthur Koestler’s book, The Thirteenth Tribe, that a million Khazarians, fleeing the invading Mongols, migrated west from their home in the Caucasus to Poland beginning in the 13th century A.D. There, these Gentile converts to Judaism created what most people think of as “Jews” today."

"It confirms the Old Testament prediction that because of the continuing sin of the Hebrews God would curse them to be a very small nation (Deut. 28:62) that would come under the rulership of “aliens” (Deut. 28:33). This has been fulfilled by the Khazar infusion, which has very largely taken over Judaism, shrinking authentic Jews to a minority. In Israel these have been historically discriminated against by the "alien" Khazar ruling majority."

"Zionism and the state of Israel came into being because of energies of Khazar/Ashkenazim Jews of Germany, Poland and Russia. Convincing the world in 1948 that they were descendants of Abraham, they intended to drive out not just 800,000 Palestinians but all of them. The intervention of the Arab legions and the 1948 war prevented it.

However, to this hour the prevailing Khazar ruling majority and their Ultra-Orthodox settlers in the West Bank cling to the conviction that all of the Promised Land from Egypt to the Euphrates belongs to them. This mentality is not only a perennial cause of arbitrary land seizure and restriction of Palestinian rights but effectively stifles the peace process. The government of Israel simply cannot give up its dream of entire control of Palestine, which they believe is theirs by divine right."

We compared two genetic models for European Jewish ancestry depicting a mixed Khazarian–European–Middle Eastern and sole Middle Eastern origins. Contemporary populations were used as surrogates to the ancient Khazars and Judeans, and their relatedness to European Jews was compared over a comprehensive set of genetic analyses. Our findings support the Khazarian hypothesis depicting a large Near Eastern–Caucasus ancestry along with Southern European, Middle Eastern, and Eastern European ancestries, in agreement with recent studies and oral and written traditions. We conclude that the genome of European Jews is a tapestry of ancient populations including Judaized Khazars, Greco–Roman Jews, Mesopotamian Jews, and Judeans and that their population structure was formed in the Caucasus and the banks of the Volga."

Oxford Journal | Eran Elhaik

"Contemporary Eastern European Jews comprise the largest ethno-religious aggregate of modern Jewish communities, ac- counting for approximately 90% of over 13 million Jews worldwide (Ostrer 2001). Speculated to have emerged from a small Central European founder group and thought to have maintained high endogamy, Eastern European Jews are con- sidered a “population isolate” and invaluable subjects in dis- ease studies (Carmeli 2004), although their ancestry remains debatable between geneticists, historians, and linguists (Wexler 1993; Brook 2006; Sand 2009; Behar et al. 2010). Recently, several large-scale studies have attempted to chart the genetic diversity of Jewish populations by genotyping Eurasian Jewish and non-Jewish populations (Conrad et al. 2006; Kopelman et al. 2009; Behar et al. 2010). Interestingly, some of these studies linked Caucasus

populations with Eastern European Jews, at odds with the narrative of a Central European founder group. Because cor- recting for population structure and using suitable controls are critical in medical studies, it is vital to examine the hypotheses purporting to explain the ancestry of Eastern and Central European Jews. One of the major challenges for any hypothesis is to explain the massive presence of Jews in Eastern Europe, estimated at eight million people at the beginning of the 20th century. We investigate the genetic structure of European Jews, by applying a wide range of analyses— including three population test, principal component, biogeo- graphical origin, admixture, identity by descent (IBD), allele sharing distance, and uniparental analyses—and test their veracity in light of the two dominant hypotheses depicting either a sole Middle Eastern ancestry or a mixed Middle Eastern–Caucasus–European ancestry to explain the ancestry of Eastern European Jews.

The “Rhineland hypothesis” envisions modern European Jews to be the descendents of the Judeans—an assortment of Israelite–Canaanite tribes of Semitic origin. It proposes two mass migratory waves: the first occurred over the 200 years following the Muslim conquest of Palestine (638CE) and consisted of devoted Judeans who left Muslim Palestine for Europe (Dinur 1961). Whether these migrants joined the existing Judaized Greco–Roman communities is un- clear, as is the extent of their contribution to the Southern European gene pool. The second wave occurred at the begin- ning of the 15th century by a group of 50,000 German Jews who migrated eastward and ushered an apparent hyper- baby-boom era for half a millennium (Atzmon et al. 2010). The Rhineland hypothesis predicts a Middle Eastern ancestry to European Jews and high genetic similarity among European Jews (Ostrer 2001; Atzmon et al. 2010; Behar et al. 2010).

The competing “Khazarian hypothesis” considers Eastern
European Jews to be the descendants of Khazars (supplementary note S1, Supplementary Material online). The Khazars were a confederation of Slavic, Scythian, Hunnic–Bulgar, Iranian, Alans, and Turkish tribes who formed in the central– northern Caucasus one of most powerful empires during the late Iron Age and converted to Judaism in the 8th century CE

The Khazarian, Armenian, and Georgian populations forged from this amalgamation of tribes (Polak 1951) were followed by relative isolation, differentiation, and genetic drift in situ (Balanovsky et al. 2011). Biblical and archeological records allude to active trade relationships between Proto-Judeans and Armenians in the late centuries BCE (Polak 1951; Finkelstein and Silberman 2002), that likely resulted in a small scale admixture between these populations and a Judean presence in the Caucasus. After their conversion to Judaism, the population structure of the Judeo–Khazars was further reshaped by multiple migrations of Jews from the Byzantine Empire and Caliphate to the Khazarian Empire. Following the collapse of their empire and the Black Death (1347–1348) the Judeo–Khazars fled westward (Baron 1993), settling in the rising Polish Kingdom and Hungary (Polak 1951) and eventually spreading to Central and Western Europe. The Khazarian hypothesis posits that European Jews are comprised of Caucasus, European, and Middle Eastern ancestries. Moreover, European Jewish communities are expected to be different from one another both in ancestry and genetic heterogeneity. 

The Khazarian hypothesis also offers two explanations for the genetic diversity in Caucasus groups first by the multiple migration waves to Khazaria during the 6th–10th centuries and second by the Judeo–Khazars who remained in the Caucasus.
Genetic studies attempting to infer the ancestry of European Jews yielded inconsistent results. Some studies pointed to the genetic similarity between European Jews and Caucasus populations like Adygei (Behar et al. 2003; Levy-Coffman 2005; Kopelman et al. 2009), whereas some pointed to the similarity to Middle Eastern populations such as Palestinians (Hammer et al. 2000; Nebel et al. 2000), and others pointed to the similarity to Southern European popu- lations like Italians (Atzmon et al. 2010; Zoossmann-Diskin 2010). Most of these studies were done in the pregenome- wide era using uniparental markers and including different reference populations, which makes it difficult to compare their results. More recent studies employing whole genome data reported high genetic similarity of European Jews to Druze, Italian, and Middle Eastern populations (Atzmon et al. 2010; Behar et al. 2010).
Although both the Rhineland and Khazarian hypotheses
depict a Judean ancestry and are not mutually exclusive, they are well distinguished, as Caucasus and Semitic popula- tions are considered ethnically and linguistically distinct (Patai and Patai 1975; Wexler 1993; Balanovsky et al. 2011). Jews, according to either hypothesis, are an assortment of tribes who accepted Judaism, migrated elsewhere, and maintained their religion up to this date and are, therefore, expected to exhibit certain differences from their neighboring populations. Because both hypotheses posit that Eastern European Jews arrived at Eastern Europe roughly at the same time (13th and 15th centuries), we assumed that they experienced similar low and fixed admixture rates with the neighboring populations, estimated at 0.5% per generation over the past 50 generations (Ostrer 2001). These relatively recent ad- mixtures have likely reshaped the population structure of all European Jews and increased the genetic distances from the Caucasus or Middle Eastern populations. Therefore, we do not expect to achieve perfect matching with the surrogate Khazarian and Judean populations but rather to estimate their relatedness.

Choice of Surrogate Populations

As the ancient Judeans and Khazars have been vanquished and their remains have yet to be sequenced, in accordance with previous studies (Levy-Coffman 2005; Kopelman et al.
2009; Atzmon et al. 2010; Behar et al. 2010), contemporary Middle Eastern and Caucasus populations were used as surrogates. Palestinians were considered proto-Judeans be- cause they are assumed to share a similar linguistic, ethnic, and geographic background with the Judeans and were shown to share common ancestry with European Jews (Bonne´ Tamir and Adam 1992; Nebel et al. 2000; Atzmon et al. 2010; Behar et al. 2010). Similarly, Caucasus Georgians and Armenians were considered proto-Khazars because they are believed to have emerged from the same genetic cohort as the Khazars (Polak 1951; Dvornik 1962; Brook 2006).

Eastern and Central European Jews comprise the largest group of contemporary Jews, accounting for approximately
90% of over 13 million worldwide Jews. Eastern European Jews made up over 90% of European Jews before World War II. Despite their controversial ancestry, European Jews are an attractive group for genetic and medical studies due to their presumed genetic history (Ostrer 2001). Correcting for population structure and using suitable con trols are critical in medical studies, thus it is vital to deter- mine whether European Jews are of Semitic, Caucasus, or other ancestry.
Though Judaism was born encased in theological–historical
myth, no Jewish historiography was produced from the time of Josephus Flavius (1st century CE) to the 19th century (Sand
2009). Early historians bridged the historical gap simply by linking modern Jews directly to the ancient Judeans, a paradigm that was later embedded in medical science and crystallized as a narrative. Many have challenged this narrative (Koestler 1976; Straten 2007), mainly by showing that a sole Judean ancestry cannot account for the vast population of Eastern European Jews in the beginning of the 20th century without the major contribution of Judaized Khazars and by demonstrating that it is in conflict with anthropological, his- torical, and genetic evidence (Patai and Patai 1975; Baron
1993; Sand 2009).

With uniparental and whole genome analyses providing ambiguous answers (Levy-Coffman 2005; Atzmon et al.
2010; Behar et al. 2010), the question of European Jewish ancestry remained debated mainly between the supporters of the Rhineland and Khazarian hypotheses. Although both theories oversimplify complex historical processes they are at- tractive due to their distinct predictions and testable

hypotheses. We showed that the hypotheses are also genet- ically distinct and that the miniscule Semitic ancestry in Caucasus populations cannot account for the similarity be- tween European Jews and Caucasus populations. The recent availability of genomic data from Caucasus populations allowed testing the Khazarian hypothesis for the first time and prompted us to contrast it with the Rhineland hypothesis. To evaluate the two hypotheses, we carried out a series of comparative analyses between European Jews and surrogate Khazarian and Judean populations posing the same question each time: are Eastern and Central European Jews genetically closer to Khazarian or Judean populations? Under the Rhineland hypothesis, European Jews are also expected to exhibit high endogamy, particularly across their Eurasian com- munities, and be more similar to Middle Eastern populations compared with their neighboring non-Jewish populations, whereas the Khazarian hypothesis predicts the opposite scen- ario. We emphasize that these hypotheses are not exclusive and that some European Jews may have other ancestries.
Our PC, biogeographical estimation, admixture, IBD, ASD, and uniparental analyses were consistent in depicting a Caucasus ancestry for European Jews. Our first analyses re- vealed tight genetic relationship of European Jews and Caucasus populations and pinpointed the biogeographical origin of European Jews to the south of Khazaria. Our later analyses yielded a complex ancestry with a slightly dominant Near Eastern–Caucasus ancestry, large Southern European and Middle Eastern ancestries, and a minor Eastern European contribution; the latter two differ- entiated Central and Eastern European Jews. Although the Middle Eastern ancestry faded in the ASD and uniparental analyses, the Southern European ancestry was upheld, probably attesting to its later time period.

We show that the Khazarian hypothesis offers a compre- hensive explanation for the results, including the reported Southern European (Atzmon et al. 2010; Zoossmann-Diskin
2010) and Middle Eastern ancestries (Nebel et al. 2000; Behar et al. 2010). By contrast, the Rhineland hypothesis could not explain the large Caucasus component in European Jews, which is rare in non-Caucasus populations, and the large IBD regions shared between European Jews and Caucasus populations attesting to their common and recent origins. Our findings thus reject the Rhineland hypothesis and uphold the thesis that Eastern European Jews are Judeo– Khazars in origin. Consequently, we can conclude that the conceptualization of European Jews as a “population isolate,” which is derived from the Rhineland hypothesis, is incorrect and most likely reflects sampling bias in the lack of Caucasus non-Jewish populations in comparative analyses.

A major difficulty with the Rhineland hypothesis, in addition to the lack of historical and anthropological evidence to the multimigration waves from Palestine to Europe (Straten
2003; Sand 2009), is to explain the vast population expansion of Eastern European Jews from fifty thousand (15th century) to eight million (20th century). The annual growth rate that accounts for this population expansion was estimated at 1.7–2%, one order of magnitude larger than that of Eastern European non-Jews in the 15th–17th centuries, prior to the industrial revolution (Straten 2007). This growth could not possibly be the product of natural popula- tion expansion, particularly one subjected to severe economic restrictions, slavery, assimilation, the Black Death and other plagues, forced and voluntary conversions, persecutions, kid- nappings, rapes, exiles, wars, massacres, and pogroms (Koestler 1976; Straten 2003; Sand 2009). Because such an unnatural growth rate, over half a millennium and affecting only Jews residing in Eastern Europe, is implausible—it is ex- plained by a miracle (Atzmon et al. 2010; Ostrer 2012). Unfortunately, this divine intervention explanation poses a new kind of problem—it is not science. The question of how the Rhineland hypothesis, so deeply rooted in supernat- ural reasoning, became the dominant scientific narrative is debated among scholars (Sand 2009).

The most parsimonious explanation for our findings is that Eastern European Jews are of Judeo–Khazarian ancestry forged over many centuries in the Caucasus. Jewish presence in the Caucasus and later Khazaria was recorded as early as the late centuries BCE and reinforced due to the increase in trade along the Silk Road, the decline of Judah (1st–7th centuries), and the uprise of Christianity and Islam (Polak 1951). Greco–Roman and Mesopotamian Jews gravitating toward Khazaria were also common in the early centuries and their migrations were intensified following the Khazars’ conversion to Judaism (Polak 1951; Brook 2006; Sand 2009). The eastward male-driven migrations from Europe to Khazaria solidified the exotic Southern European ancestry in the Khazarian gene pool, and increased the genetic heterogeneity of the Judeo–Khazars. The religious conversion of the Khazars encompassed most of the empire’s citizens and subordinate tribes and lasted for the next 400 years (Polak 1951; Baron 1993) until the invasion of the Mongols (Polak 1951; Dinur 1961; Brook 2006). At the final collapse of their empire (13th century), many of the Judeo–Khazars fled to Eastern Europe and later migrated to Central Europe and admixed with the neighboring populations.

Historical and archeological findings shed light on the demographic events following the Khazars’ conversion. During the half millennium of their existence (740–1250 CE), the Judeo–Khazars sent offshoots into the Slavic lands, such as Romania and Hungary (Baron 1993), planting the seeds of a great Jewish community to later rise in the Khazarian diaspora. We hypothesize that the settlement of Judeo–Khazars in Eastern Europe was achieved by serial founding events, whereby populations expanded from the Caucasus into Eastern and Central Europe by successive splits, with daughter populations expanding to new territories following changes in socio-political conditions (Gilbert 1993). These events may have contributed to the higher homogeneity observed in Jewish communities outside Khazaria’s borders.

After the decline of their empire, the Judeo–Khazars refu- gees sought shelter in the emerging Polish kingdom and other Eastern European communities where their expertise in economics, finances, and politics was valued. Prior to their exodus, the Judeo–Khazar population was estimated to be half a million in size, the same as the number of Jews in the

Polish–Lithuanian kingdom four centuries later (Polak 1951; Koestler 1976). Some Judeo–Khazars were left behind, mainly in the Crimea and the Caucasus, where they formed Jewish enclaves surviving into modern times. One of the dynasties of Jewish princes ruled in the 15th century under the tutelage of the Genovese Republic and later of the Crimean Tartars. Another vestige of the Khazar nation is the “Mountain Jews” in the North Eastern Caucasus (Koestler 1976).

The remarkable close proximity of European Jews and populations residing on the opposite ends of ancient Khazaria, such as Armenians, Georgians, Azerbaijani Jews, and Druze, supports a common Near Eastern– Caucasus ancestry. These findings are not explained by the Rhineland hypothesis and are staggering due to the uneven demographic processes these populations have experienced in the past eight centuries. The slightly higher observed gen- etic similarity between European Jews and Armenians com- pared with Georgians is particularly bewildering because Armenians and Georgians are very simi- lar populations that share a similar genetic background (Schonberg et al. 2011) and long history of cultural relations (Payaslian 2007). We speculate that there is a small Middle Eastern ancestry in Armenians that does not exist in Geor- gians and is likely responsible for the high genetic similarity between Armenians and European Jews (supplementary fig. S6, Supplementary Material online). Because the Khazars blocked the Arab approach to the Caucasus, we suspect that this ancestry was introduced by the Judeans arriving at a very early date to Armenia and was absorbed into the popu- lations, whereas Judeans arriving to Georgia avoided assimi- lation (Shapira 2007). The relatedness between European Jews and Druze reported here and in the literature (Behar et al. 2010) is explained by Druze Turkish–Southern Caucasus origins. Druze migrated to Syria, Lebanon, and eventually to Palestine between the 11th and 13th centuries during the Crusades, a time when the Jewish population in Palestine was at a minimum. The genetic similarity between European Jews and Druze therefore supports the Khazarian hypothesis and should not be confused with a Semitic origin, which can be easily distinguished from the non-Semitic origin. We emphasize that testing the Middle Eastern origin of European Jews can only be done with indigenous Middle Eastern groups. Overall, the similarity between European Jews and Caucasus populations underscores the genetic continuity that exists among Eurasian Jewish and non-Jewish Caucasus populations.

This genetic continuity is not surprising. The Caucasus gene pool proliferated from the Near Eastern pool due to an Upper Paleolithic (or Neolithic) migration and was shaped by significant genetic drift, due to relative isolation in the extremely mountainous landscape (Balanovsky et al. 2011; Pagani et al. 2011). Caucasus populations are therefore expected to be genetically distinct from Southern European and Middle Eastern populations but to share certain genetic similarity with Near Eastern populations such as Turks, Iranians, and Druze. In all our analyses, Middle Eastern samples clus- tered together or exhibited high similarity along a geograph- ical gradient and were distinguished from Arabian Peninsula Arab samples on one hand and from Near Eastern–Caucasus samples on the other hand.

Our study attempts to shed light on the forgotten Khazars and elucidate some of the most fascinating questions of their history. Although the Khazars’ conversion to Judaism is not in dispute, there are questions as to how widespread and established the new religion became. Despite the limited sample size of European Jews, they represent members from the major residential Jewish countries (i.e., Poland and Germany) and exhibit very similar trends. Our findings support a large- scale migration from South–Central Europe and Mesopotamia to Khazaria that reshaped the genetic structure of the Khazars and other Caucasus populations in the central and upper Caucasus. Our findings also support a large-scale conversion followed by admixture of the newcomers with the Judeo– Khazars. Another intriguing question touches upon the origins of the Khazars, speculated to be Turk, Tartar, or Mongol (Brook 2006). As expected from their common origin, Caucasus populations exhibit high genetic similarity to Iranian and Turks with mild Eastern Asian ancestry. However, we found a weak patrilineal Turkic contribution compared with Caucasus and Eastern European contributions. Our findings thus support the identification of Turks as the Khazars’ ancestors but not necessarily the predominant ancestors. Given their geographical position, it is likely the Khazarian gene pool was also influenced by Eastern European populations that are not represented in our data set.

Our results fit with evidence from a wide range of fields. Linguistic findings depict Eastern European Jews as descended from a minority of Israelite–Palestinian Jewish emigrants who intermarried with a larger heterogeneous population of con- verts to Judaism from the Caucasus, the Balkans, and the Germano–Sorb lands (Wexler 1993). Yiddish, the language of Central and Eastern European Jews, began as a Slavic language that was relexified to High German at an early date (Wexler 1993). Our findings are also in agreement with archeological, historical, linguistic, and anthropological studies (Polak 1951; Patai and Patai 1975; Wexler 1993; Brook 2006; Kopelman et al. 2009; Sand 2009) and reconcile contradicting genetic findings observed in uniparental and biparental genome data. The conclusions of the latest genome-wide studies (Atzmon et al. 2010; Behar et al. 2010) that European Jews had a single Middle Eastern origin are incomplete as neither study tested the Khazarian hypothesis, to the extent done here. Finally, our findings confirm both oral narratives and the canonical Jewish literature describing the Khazars’ conversion to Judaism (e.g., “Sefer haKabbalah” by Abraham ben Daud [1161 CE], and “The Khazars” by Rabbi Jehudah Halevi [1140 CE]) (Polak 1951; Koestler 1976).

Although medical studies were not conducted using Caucasus and Near Eastern populations to the same extent as with European Jews, many diseases found in European Jews are also found in their ancestral groups in the Caucasus (e.g., cystic fibrosis and athalassemia), the Near East (e.g., factor XI deficiency, type II), and Southern Europe (e.g., nonsyn- dromic recessive deafness) (Ostrer 2001), attesting to their complex multiorigins.

Because our study is the first to directly contrast the
Rhineland and Khazarian hypotheses, a caution is warranted in interpreting some of our results due to small sample sizes and availability of surrogate populations. To test the Khazarian hypothesis, we used a crude model for the Khazars’ popula- tion structure. Our admixture analysis suggests that certain ancestral elements in the Caucasus genetic pool may have been unique to the Khazars. Therefore, using few contempor- ary Caucasus populations as surrogates may capture only cer- tain shades of the Khazarian genetic spectrum. Further studies are necessary to test the magnitude of the Judeo–Khazar demographic contribution to the presence of Jews in Europe (Polak 1951; Dinur 1961; Koestler 1976; Baron 1993; Brook
2006). These studies may yield a more complex demographic model than the one tested here and illuminate the complex population structure of Caucasus populations. Irrespective of these limitations, our results were robust across diverse types of analyses, and we hope that they will provide new perspectives for genetic, disease, medical, and anthropological studies.

We compared two genetic models for European Jewish ancestry depicting a mixed Khazarian–European–Middle Eastern and sole Middle Eastern origins. Contemporary populations were used as surrogates to the ancient Khazars and Judeans, and their relatedness to European Jews was compared over a comprehensive set of genetic analyses. Our findings support the Khazarian hypothesis depicting a large Near Eastern–Caucasus ancestry along with Southern European, Middle Eastern, and Eastern European ancestries, in agreement with recent studies and oral and written traditions. We conclude that the genome of European Jews is a tapestry of ancient populations including Judaized Khazars, Greco–Roman Jews, Mesopotamian Jews, and Judeans and that their population structure was formed in the Caucasus and the banks of the Volga."

