Tuesday, May 31, 2016

CDC Forced To Admit They Knew Vaccine Preservative Caused Autism http://rgn.bz/rJwB

Originally shared by Before It's News

CDC Forced To Admit They Knew Vaccine Preservative Caused Autism http://rgn.bz/rJwB

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have been forced to admit that a widely used vaccine preservative does in fact cause autism.

The CDC had long insisted that the vaccine preservative thimerosal was not linked to autism. However, after a hundred Freedom of Records Act (FOIA) requests, the CDC has been forced to reveal the once-secret documents, showing that the agency knew that thimerosal caused autism but deliberately hid that evidence from the public

Christina Sarich via Waking Times reports:

With help from PhD Scientist and Biochemist, Brian Hooker, the agency has finally had to reveal that they have known for years that thimerosal, which was banned in 1999, but still used in over 60 vaccines, causes autism. Robert F. Kennedy has been trying to alert the public of the same troublesome findings that Hooker has unveiled, but he is often dismissed, or worse, made into a media fool by the pharmaceutical industry.

“When the results of the Verstraeten study were first reported outside the CDC in 2005, there was no evidence that anyone but Dr. Verstraeten within the CDC had known of the very high 7.6-fold elevated relative risk of autism from exposure to Thimerosal during infancy. But now, clear evidence exists. A newly-acquired abstract from 1999 titled, “Increased risk of developmental neurologic impairment after high exposure to Thimerosal containing vaccine in first month of life” required the approval of top CDC officials prior to its presentation at the Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) conference. Thimerosal, which is 50% mercury by weight, was used in most childhood vaccines and in the RhoGAM shot for pregnant women prior to the early 2000s.The CDC maintains there is “no relationship between Thimerosal-containing vaccines and autism rates in children,” even though the data from the CDC’s own Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) database shows a very high risk. There are a number of public records to back this up, including this Congressional Record from May 1, 2003. The CDC’s refusal to acknowledge thimerosal’s risks is exemplified by a leaked statement from Dr. Marie McCormick, chair of the CDC/NIH-sponsored Immunization Safety Review at IOM. Regarding vaccination, she said in 2001, “…we are not ever going to come down that it [autism] is a true side effect…” Also of note, the former director of the CDC, which purchases $4 billion worth of vaccines annually, is now president of Merck’s vaccine division.”

More http://rgn.bz/rJwB

6-6-16: Satanists In Los Angeles Will Construct A Giant Pentagram To ‘Raise Awareness’ For Satanism

Originally shared by IamChattyCathy

Monday, May 30, 2016

ExperimentalVaccines This story is interesting on so many different levels.

Originally shared by Mr Grimv

ExperimentalVaccines This story is interesting on so many different levels.
Did you know that you will show a positive reading for HIV for a short period of time after taking a flu shot?
It's because they don't really have a way to actually detect the so called virus. They only have a test for the Particular protein they think is related to the virus being present. 

'Patent for curing AIDS' /Aids isn't a virus, It's a health condition, so it's common to mistake the two being that they are used in the same sentence almost every time some one says one, or the other.

SHe claims to be a doctor through proxy.

Originally shared by Mr Grimv

SHe claims to be a doctor through proxy... here you go.., read the comments at th bottom as not everyone is falling for their BULLSHIT.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

The US Dropped....

The US Dropped....
#‎MnRTVliveshow‬ ‪#‎wearetheresistance‬

Our Father in heaven told us about the destruction coming to damascus, here is more evidence of that coming sooner.

Originally shared by Billy Guy

Our Father in heaven told us about the destruction coming to damascus, here is more evidence of that coming sooner.
Remember to pray for those, their time is running thin.

Isaiah 17:1 The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.

Disfiguring tropical disease has spread across the Middle East http://dailym.ai/20P5KKy via http://dailym.ai/android

High-ranking official reveals how Pentagon punishes whistleblowers

Originally shared by Government GangStalking and Electronic Harassment

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Ex-CIA and MI5 Agent and Whistleblower Carl Clark Reveals Covert Electromagnetic Torture of Civilians by Intel...

Originally shared by Government GangStalking and Electronic Harassment

CIA Torture Report–Bureau of Investigative Journalism’s Account of Covert Torture Sites Exposes Concentration...

Originally shared by Government GangStalking and Electronic Harassment

Former US Navy Officer Walks Across America to Expose Covert Targeting and Neuro-Experimentation Program


Despite Laws And Lawsuits, Quota-Based Policing Lingers




What Happened On The Flat Earth This Week?


The “Flat Earth” Movement Gains Ground – What Happened On The Flat Earth This Week?


Thursday, May 12, 2016

here is a FDA ' Briefing document - on USING HUMAN CANCEROUS TUMORS' FOR VACCINE MANUFACTURE' ( THEY discuss 3 in...

Originally shared by countessarcadius Ty

here is a FDA ' Briefing document - on USING HUMAN CANCEROUS TUMORS' FOR VACCINE MANUFACTURE' ( THEY discuss 3 in this, ( I have the minutes' to that meeting as well) using' 3 different kinds( they' use more) LUNG , CERVICAL ' AND LYMPHOMA CANCEROUS TUMORS' - then... I ask for people to go and look at many of the' vaccine inserts' and see them say' THEY DON'T TEST' for ' carcinogenic, mutagenic, and impairment of fertility?! - ' with all the ' cancer' and infertility it ' really ' shocked me to see' THEY'VE never' TESTED many of the' vaccines for ' something such as ' causing cancer, ( tumors etc) or impairment of fertility, ( consider how some couples are spending tens of thousands of dollars ' trying' to get pregnant) ( THEY ' discuss' in this document) ( THE FDA)( also admitting before it even starts that ' THERE ARE PEOPLE THERE ( PROFESSIONALS) DISCUSSING THESE ISSUES' AND THERE IS A ' conflict of interest' WELL' that probably means anyone ' ADVOCATING FOR IT' is a part of the bloody vaccine industry'( HAVING FINANCIAL INTEREST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) ANd be a conflict of interest for them to be at the FDA MEETING AND HAVE A SAY ABOUT ' ANYTHING' IF THE FDA WILL BE BIASED IN THEIR Research on the subject)( so they are admitting right from the start that IT'S PEOPLE WILL FINANCIAL INTEREEST IN THE VACCINE INDUSTRY ' AT FDA MEETINGS' PROMOTING AND ADVOCATING' FOR ' THE GOODNESS OF VACCINES' that are being made with ' HUMAN CANCEROUS TUMORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Tumorigenic Cells and Cells Derived from 88 Human Tumors; DNA as a Potential Risk Factor, Keith Peden, Ph.D., Chief, LDNAV, DVP/OVRR/CBER https://www.scribd.com/doc/246682536/FDA-Meeting-Human-Tumors-for-Vaccine-Manufacture--------------------------------------------------------ADMITTING

  OUTRIGHT HERE' look    **Residual   DNA   in   vaccines   derived   from tumorigenic cells,   including  those   transformed  by   Ad5,  can   pose  potential  r isks   to   the vaccine    recipient   in   two r  spects:   oncogenicity   and   infectivity.    Each  of    these    biological properties    must    be    considered   and    evaluated  for  each   cell    substrate.**"Designer" Cells   as   Substratesfor the Manufacture  of  Viral   Vaccines -   http://www.fda.gov/ohrms/dockets/ac/01/briefing/3750b1_01.htmI


and then even says this!  LOOK   -     The second biological activity of DNA that should be considered is its potential infectivity. If a genome of a DNA virus or the provirus of a retrovirus is present in the cell substrate used for vaccine manufacture, then the residual DNA has the potential, upon inoculation into the vaccine recipient, to produce infectious virus from this DNA and thus establish a productive infection.
 and then even says this!  LOOK   -     The second biological activity of DNA that should be considered is its potential infectivity. If a genome of a DNA virus or the provirus of a retrovirus is present in the cell substrate used for vaccine manufacture, then the residual DNA has the potential, upon inoculation into the vaccine recipient, to produce infectious virus from this DNA and thus establish a productive infection.

Whistleblower Makes Explosive New Claim About Benghazi

Originally shared by The Western Journal

Whistleblower Makes Explosive New Claim About Benghazi

Jewish Ritual Of Circumcision Is Spreading Disease And Killing Babies.

Originally shared by IamChattyCathy

Friday, May 6, 2016

Alaska State Judge Anna Maria Riezinger addressed an open letter to all federal agents, including the FBI and US...

Originally shared by Alexander Light (HumansAreFree)

Alaska State Judge Anna Maria Riezinger addressed an open letter to all federal agents, including the FBI and US Marshals to arrest Congress, the President and the Secretary of the Treasury. She goes into incredible detail on the fraud that has been committed: http://humansarefree.com/2016/04/judge-calls-for-us-marshals-and-fbi-to.html

One of the greatest tricks that the New World Order (NWO) did to enslave the people of the world was to secretly...

Originally shared by Alexander Light (HumansAreFree)

One of the greatest tricks that the New World Order (NWO) did to enslave the people of the world was to secretly create a corporate version of counties, cities, states, and countries. By doing this, the leaders of the NWO and their minions were able to trick us to unknowingly agree to be “agents” or “employees” of these corporations through the use of fraudulent contracts (i.e., birth certificate, social security card, driver’s license): http://humansarefree.com/2015/08/the-united-states-of-america-is-foreign.html

Here is an excerpt from his song “Dreamer”: “While the helicopter circles us, this theory’s getting’ deep, Think...

Originally shared by Alexander Light (HumansAreFree)

Here is an excerpt from his song “Dreamer”: “While the helicopter circles us, this theory’s getting’ deep, Think they’re spraying chemicals over the city while we sleep? From now on I’m staying’ awake, you can call me a dreamer too, wake up, wake up.”

Prince then goes on explain the meaning behind some of his lyrics in the song: “The first line of the song says I was born on a slave plantation, in the United States of the red, white and blue, and we live in a place now, that feels just about like a plantation, we’re all indentured servants, you know.” http://humansarefree.com/2016/04/heres-prince-talking-about-chemtrails.html

A new lawsuit has revealed even more shocking details about the secret lives of the all-powerful "elites." Jeffrey...

Originally shared by Alexander Light (HumansAreFree)

A new lawsuit has revealed even more shocking details about the secret lives of the all-powerful "elites." Jeffrey Epstein, a convicted pedophile and good friend of former US President Bill Clinton, kept children as sex slaves on his private island, Little St James, in the early 2000s: http://humansarefree.com/2014/03/pedophillia-lawsuit-slave-children.html

Nagalese is what prevents vitamin D from being produced in the body, which is the body's main defense to naturally...

Originally shared by Alexander Light (HumansAreFree)

Nagalese is what prevents vitamin D from being produced in the body, which is the body's main defense to naturally kill cancer cells. Nagalase is a protein that's also created by all cancer cells. This protein is also found in very high concentrations in autistic children. And they're PUTTING it in our vaccines! http://humansarefree.com/2016/02/big-pharma-is-injecting-us-with-cancer.html