Tuesday, September 11, 2018


The global targeted individual movement has begun: August 29 worldwide rally

This video documents the protests, rallies, and awareness-raising activities that were held around the world on August 29, 2018, the First Annual Targeted Individual Day. Cities/events in the order shown in the video: Lansing, Michigan; Boston, Massachusetts; San Diego, Fresno, and Berkeley, California; Atlanta, Georgia; Kansas City and St. Louis, Missouri; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; New York City; Vancouver, Canada; Paris, France; Incheon, Korea; London, England; Warsaw, Poland; Bangkok, Thailand; Tokyo, Japan; and Chicago, USA. ***

The following text was taken from one of the three different public awareness-raising flyers distributed in Chicago. Have you heard about the so-called “sonic attacks” on U.S. diplomats in Cuba and China? Recently, dozens of U.S. diplomats serving in Cuba and China were harmed by covert energy-weapon attacks.

Early media reports attributed these incidents to mass hysteria, but the harm suffered by the diplomats (including traumatic brain injury without blunt force trauma) was later confirmed by medical diagnosis and MRI scans (C-SPAN, 2018; JAMA, 2018; Kuo, 2018). The victims described an audible component to the energy assaults, often a high-pitched ringing sound, which is a well-established effect of sufficiently powerful, pulsed microwave energy (Frey, 1962; Lin and Wang, 2007; Lin, 2017; Hambling, 2017a; Lin, 2018).
Are you aware that thousands of self-identifying “targeted individuals” have been alleging energy-weapon attacks domestically (Hambling, 2017b), and that they began doing so before any details of the events in Cuba and China were released to the public? For decades, radio frequency (including microwave) directed-energy weapons and through-wall radar devices have been under development for military and emergency service applications (U.S. Dept. of the Army, 1998; Silverstein, 2006; Smith, 2013; Heath, 2015; Holstein, 2017). Given these facts, FFTI believes that similar technologies are likely being assembled (Maloof, 2012) and/or purchased on a black market by criminal harassment networks, which are using these improvised RF devices to target and harm decent people for criminal gain, or just for sadistic fun in some cases. Thousands of alleged victims of “electronic harassment” are saying so on the Internet.

Did you know about the “organized stalking” crisis in the U.S. and other countries? You may know that Harvey Weinstein contracted private security firms, including Black Cube, to stalk people to suppress allegations that he had sexually harassed and assaulted women (Farrow, 2017). The problem of organized stalking is much more widespread than this. According to a survey conducted by the U.S. Dept. of Justice in 2006, an est. 447,000 adults (out of the total U.S. population at the time) reported being stalked by three or more offenders simultaneously (Baum et al., 2009).

An est. 52,000 people reported being stalked by 10 – 50 offenders in the same bout of stalking. When people who had been stalked by multiple offenders were asked if the stalkers “acted as a team or group”, 41% of survey participants responded “Yes” (U.S. Dept. of Justice, 2006). A former Senior Special Agent-in-Charge of the Los Angeles Field Office of the FBI also wrote an affidavit in 2011, commenting on the widespread prevalence of this problem in the U.S. (Gunderson, 2011). Instances of organized stalking have made it into the mainstream media on occasion (ABC News, 2014; Shlonsky, 2016).

Nevertheless, the police are doing nothing to counteract organized stalking and electronic harassment, mainly because collecting evidence is so difficult for victims and poses such significant challenges for traditional law enforcement. Revised government policies and updated law enforcement practices could help stop these crimes, if only the general public were aware of how widespread and damaging they are to a well functioning democracy and a prosperous economy.

If you don’t want you or your loved ones to become the next victims of these under-recognized crimes, what can you do?
• Share this information with your family, friends, religious organization, healthcare provider, law enforcement, and local, state, and national elected representatives.
• Attend a City Council meeting. Tell the Council Members that you’re aware of these crimes and want local law enforcement to start taking victims’ allegations seriously.
• Write to your City Councilor, Mayor, and Legislative Representatives. Tell them they’ll only get your vote if they start taking action against these growing threats to public safety.



Video of Large Targeted Individual Rally in Chicago, August 29, 2018




Video of Large Targeted Individual Rally in Chicago, August 29, 2018