Monday, January 11, 2016

CASE OF THE KILLER NUNS: Women are not usually related in any way to mass killings - but in Ireland, since 2014,...

Originally shared by H George Tavakoli

CASE OF THE KILLER NUNS: Women are not usually related in any way to mass killings - but in Ireland, since 2014, there has been an ongoing enquiry into a network of KILLER NUNS who are responsible for the DEATHS OF NEARLY FOUR THOUSAND BABIES. The facts emerging are almost too horrible to believe. Already, one Hollywood movie has been made about the case - but more gruesome details are coming out - the nuns got paid by Big Pharma to run 'drug trials' and deliberately overdosed babies. The bodies were chucked in mass graves, unmarked. The evil deeds of the SISTERS OF THE SACRED HEART are only matched by Spanish nuns who also trafficked and traded and in some cases killed a staggering 300,000 babies… We all know the the Vatican has already paid $1 billion compensation for child abuse cases… But the mainstream media have been very very very silent about the Irish enquiry… I must stop here and ask if these killer nuns of Ireland may, or may not be, members of the GNOSTIC CATHOLIC CHURCH which is a masonic branch of the O.T.O. formerly run by Aleister Crowley? What UTTER EVIL came over their minds?

The Irish government eventually bowed to pressure to set up an official inquiry into deaths of 4,000 babies buried in unmarked graves at institutions run by nuns where morality rates ran as high as 50 per cent. At one nun convent in Tuam, County Galway, 796 children were murdered/maltreated/died during a 30-year period - in other words, a baby mysteriously died at this convent every 2 weeks - FOR THIRTY YEARS. Are the Irish police totally unaware that a pattern like this is very likely to point to RITUAL ABUSE and SACRIFICES on certain LUNAR DATES?

This network of Killer Nuns operated at Tuam, Sean Ross Abbey, Tipperary, Bessborough, Co Cork, and Castlepollard, Co Westmeath… Like the Westminster VIP Pedo scandal, there have been protests saying that the whole case is being whitewashed. The film 'Philomena' tells the true story of 60,000 babies which the SISTERS OF THE SACRED HEART sold to U.S. donors in exchange for cash.

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