Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Ex-CIA Agent Admits In Court “We Run Afghan Opium Trade”

Originally shared by H George Tavakoli

Ex-CIA Agent Admits In Court “We Run Afghan Opium Trade”

An ex-CIA agent has admitted in court that the U.S. government and the CIA have been smuggling drugs for the past 60 years, and control the Afghan opium trade. 
John F. Abbotsford was in court over charges of possession of child pornography, but he says the allegations are false and an attempt to silence him to prevent him from “blowing the lid off the CIA’s drug smuggling operations in Afghanistan“.

“This is a desperate attempt by the US government to shut me up” he told the court. “If I’m going to face jail time, I want the truth to be known before they try to get rid of me in prison“.

During the court session, Abbotsford announced, “I’m ashamed to say that I have participated in these drug smuggling operations on many occasions. For a long time, I tried to convince myself that we were doing it for the right cause, but this burden is destroying me inside and I just can’t stand it anymore“. reports:

“The CIA has been dealing drugs since its creation. They’ve been smuggling drugs everywhere in the world for the past 60 years, in Taiwan in 1949 to support General Chiang Kai-shek against the Chinese commies, in Vietnam, in Nicaragua, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg” he launched out during the court trial. “We helped the Mujahideen develop poppy cultivation to fight the Soviets, but we took back matters in our own hands in 2001 when we invaded Afghanistan under Bush” he pleaded.

9/11: A pretext to invade Afghanistan

The Cheyenne Herald also reports that the man’s website, that was shut down by family members hours after the conviction, claimed that the 9/11 terrorist attacks where in fact staged by his own government and a “pretext” to invade Afghanistan.

He also believed that the Islamic State is presently financed by the CIA’s alleged heroin smuggling operations with the purpose of “destabilizing governments of the Middle East” and “toppling non-US allied country leaders, such as Bachar Al-Assad in Syria” to “secure beneficial oil deals for the US and allied countries”.

In 2010, Abbotsford, 33, was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, and a year later he received a medical discharge.

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